West Virginia Mountain Bike Association Points Series
WVMBA Cross Country Race Series
Since 1988, the WVMBA Cross Country Race Series has been West Virginia's
premier test of endurance, skill, and grit on two wheels. This isn't your average
ride - our mass-start events send riders charging over rugged terrain, from grinding fire
road climbs to gnarly singletrack packed with rocks, roots, and ruts.
Each course is a wild mix of elevation gains, technical descents, and adrenaline-
pumping challenges. Whether you're powering through a brutal climb or picking the
perfect line down a rock garden, you'll need quick reflexes, serious endurance, and a
fearless attitude to crush a WVMBA XC race.
A Race Class for Everyone
From first-timers to seasoned pros, we've got a race for you! Choose from three
different course lengths, multiple race categories, and even an eBike class *most
races - because everyone deserves a chance to experience the thrill of WVMBA
Compete for Glory (and Cash!)
The WVMBA Points Series keeps the competition fierce, with racers accumulating
points toward championship titles. At the end of the season, we're awarding over
$30,000 in cash and prizes to the top finishers! But it's about more than just
podiums-this series fuels the stoke for mountain biking in WV, encouraging riders to hit
more races, get involved in trail work, and help grow the sport we all love. Racers also
build community and make new friends, so that each season can feel a bit like a family
reunion (and we have whole families that race together).
Are you ready to take on the challenge?
Find a race, grab your bike, and let's ride! Series Points:
XC Points Series: Top 6 results (must finish 5 to qualify) = Series Champion
Points for each race are awarded to the finishers in each class based on a 20 point system.
- 20 points for 1st
- 19 points for 2nd
- 18 points for 3rd
- etc
One point will be awarded to those finishing 20th place and below.
To qualify for the XC series, the racer shall complete a minimum of 5 series races. The racer's final
series points standings will be calculated based on the total points from the racer's best 6 races.
Category Descriptions:
Our descriptions below are to help assist in getting started in the right place and serve as a guide. We hope that you
choose wisely when making these decisions on classifications to race in.
Cat 1 / Pro
This category is the advanced racer category where racing times are between an hour and a half to two hours. Racing distances for this group will range from 18 miles to 24 miles through the season. Who is suited to race this class? Riders who train aggressively to be competitive and likely spend more than a few hours on their bike a week.
Cat 2
Intermediate rider and racer, time on course will range from 1 hour to 2 hours with distances ranging from 12-16 miles throughout the season. This class would be for riders who ride a few times a week, have good handling skills, or for previous expert level riders who aren't training as much. All racers may choose to race the Open class.
Cat 3
Novice level riders and racers. This class is an introduction to cross country racing and is meant to let you give it a shot. Races range from 1 hour to 1 hour 15 min ride time and can range from as little as 5 miles up to 12 mile courses. WVMBA novice races are still challenging as you learn how to pace yourself in the West Virginia rock and rooty terrain. This would be for new riders and racers who don’t take the time to commit to riding or training a lot and may be more the weekend warrior.
Race Classes:
All WVMBA Point Series events must include all of the standard WVMBA Classes regardless of field size. These
classes may not be combined.
The following classes will be recognized at WVMBA XC races:
* Denotes Series Eligible vs. One Race
* Cat 1 / Pro
- Men Open
- Women Open
- Boys 18 and Under
- Men Veteran 35+
- Single Speed
* Cat 2
- Men Open
- Women Open
- Girls 18 and Under
- Boys 18 and Under
- Masters 40+
- Grand Masters 55+
- Clydesdale (>200 lb)
Cat 3
- Beginner Men Open
- Beginner Women Open
- Beginner Boys 14 and Under
- Beginner Girls 14 and Under
- Youth Girls 15-18
- Youth Boys 8-11
- Youth Boys 12-14
- Youth Boys 15-18
- Just For Fun/Ride Buddy
(Points are not tracked)
* E Bike Cat 1
(Races the Cat 2 XC distance and course)
* E Bike Cat 2
(Races the Cat 2 XC distance and course)
All age classifications are based on the racer's age on December 31st of the current year. Race organizers may opt
to create additional ability categories within the age classifications but only official WVMBA classes will be
recognized for points in the WVMBA Points Championship Series. Races completed outside of recognized Points Series
classes will not qualify as "races" and no series points will be awarded for those races.
Note: The sport of mountain biking is about camaraderie and sportsmanship. A big part of sportsmanship is honor. We
don't believe that this sport should ever need mountain bike police. Each racer shall behave honorably and is expected
to know and understand WVMBA rules when signing up for a race. We ask that you follow these rules and sign up for the
class in which you would normally race. Whether you race USAC or have any other license is irrelevant.
Number Plates:
No changes or alterations to a WVMBA number plate are permitted, this includes cutting down the size of the
number plate, placing stickers on the number plate, or any type of writing on the front of the number plate.
If any number plate has been changed from its original state, a replacement fee of $10.00 for a new number
plate will be charged to the racer that the number plate was originally assigned to and the racer cannot
compete in a WVMBA event until the plate is replaced. Every rider is required to use the same number plate
at each WVMBA event. If a new number plate is required by a racer due to the original number plate being
lost, left at home, or stolen the racer may be charged a $10.00 replacement fee. If the number plate is
lost during a race, please notify a WVMBA official after finishing the race.
The final race of the series breaks ties. (Example: Racer 1 & Racer 2 both have 100 points after the final
race points are calculated. The winner of that final race is the series winner). If neither racer races
the final race, the racer who completed the most races in the series wins the series. If they have the same
amount of completed races, the racer with the most 1st place finishes, 2nd place finishes or 3rd place
finishes, etc. will win. If still tied, the racer who completed the series final race is declared the winner.
If they both complete the same last race, that race will be the tie breaker.
General Rules:
Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. All racers are expected to understand and comply with these rules.
Racers shall complete the entire event on the same bicycle with the exception of cyclocross races where bike exchange can only be done in approved areas.
Racers must perform their own bike repairs.
Racers must carry their own spare parts and tools. Cannibalizing other bikes is not permitted.
Food and water can be taken from anyone, anywhere on the course.
Racers taking food or water must not impede the progress of other racers.
Racers riding bicycles have the right of way over racers pushing bicycles. When practical, racers pushing should yield the most rideable portion of the trail when being passed.
A racer pushing or carrying his or her bicycle can overtake a racer riding his bicycle provided that it does not interfere with the riding racer.
Riders must alert those they are passing (lapping) vocally using the announcements "PASSING on your LEFT (RIGHT)!" or "TRACK LEFT (RIGHT)!" It is the responsibility of the passing rider to overtake safely. Riders being lapped must yield at the first reasonable opportunity.
When two riders are vying for position, the leading rider does not necessarily have to yield position to the challenging rider. However, a rider may not bodily interfere, intending to impede another rider's progress; this is considered to be highly unsportsmanlike behavior.
Short-cutting the course by any racer shall result in a disqualification.
Foul riding, use of profane or abusive language and other unsportsmanlike behavior will be taken very seriously. Such behavior by any racer shall result in a warning or disqualification. This will be strictly applied when such behavior is directed at course officials, volunteers or spectators. The penalty imposed is at the discretion of the race director.
Federal, state and county laws and ordinances will be abided by at all times.
Protests can be made only by registered racers. Protests will be made in writing and delivered to the race promoter or official any time after the end of the race, up to 30 minutes after the posting of the final results. Protests should contain any information that supports the protest, including description of the incident, witnesses, names, addresses, phone numbers and signature of the protester. A $25 fee shall be submitted, in cash, with the protest. The race promoter or official, after their own discovery, will promptly rule on the protest. The fee will be forfeited to the race promoter if the protest is denied or refunded if the protest is upheld.
The WVMBA Official or Promoter and delegated timer has the final say in any ruling.
Wearing a bike helmet is mandatory while warming-up for, or racing in, any WVMBA sanctioned event.
Bicycles shall be in good repair with both front and rear brakes in good working order.
Violation of any of the above rules may result in disqualification.
WVMBA Ebike Additional Rules 2025:
- All current WVMBA race rules are in place and must be abided by; these rules are additional to compete in the E-bike class.
- Class 1 Ebikes ONLY.
- No throttle
- Pedal Assist Bicycles with an electric motor Peak Power of <= 750 watts that provides motor assistance only when the racer is pedaling and only up to a speed of 20 mph.
- Approved Drive Units only. (manufacturer's label of compliance is the minimum standard)
- Freely operable pedaling system: rear wheel drive train of pedals, crank, chain and gear system.
- Motor engages only with pedaling
- Motor assistance cut off at 20 mph (32 kmh)
- Bicycles must remain locked, i.e., no modification of wheel sensor from factory circumference or any other modification to
manipulate the factory set speed of the bike. If caught with tampered/modification to equipment you will not only be
disqualified from the e-series and traditional series but be on member suspension for all WVMBA events for two years.
- WVMBA/Race Officials carry the right to a 5 min ride on your bike if an official protest is submitted for aftermarket tampering. WVMBA is not liable for any damage to your bicycle.
- Production Rule: OEM drive unit and matching frame combination model required (matching year NOT required). Electric conversion kits and after-market frames are prohibited. Once qualified for the meet, the bicycle's frame may not be replaced.
- Drive Units: Current list of approved drive units: Bosch, Shimano, Panasonic, Yamaha and Brose.
Analog Bikes have the right of way, you must yield to a racer in a different class to pass you when appropriate.
- No battery swapping during the race
- Additionally, the following options for e-bikes in regulated competitive events are allowable.
- Limited start assist/walk mode (no pedaling) up to 4 mph (6 kmh)
- A single battery (no extra batteries permitted)
Racing in a class that has an ability level below that which a racer possesses is sandbagging. Sandbagging
is not cool!
Category Upgrading:
You may advance as quickly as you wish. Otherwise, as a rule of thumb for Novice and Cat 2 racers, you should
advance to the next higher class the following year after placing in the top 5 to 10 percentile in five of
five races in any given season. (Note: Upgrade carefully, downgrading never looks good!) WVMBA does not make
mandatory upgrades however, as necessary, racers may be placed in the Open Class. As an affiliate of USA Cycling
you will accrue points at each of our races to rate you against other riders in our country. As such, when you
accrue points you will earn category upgrade points. Please use your USA Cycling license as a minimum for class
discretion. If your license says Cat 2 you are expected to race the Cat 2 race or higher but you may choose to
race up in Cat 1 to get upgrade points as well.
Category Downgrading:
A rider who feels like they have advanced too quickly or have unforeseen medical problems preventing them from
racing at a level they once did may request a downgrade by emailing info@wvmba.com their request and reasons
for request. If you carry a USA Cycling license you must follow their procedures for downgrading; otherwise, you
will race the category your license states. Riders may not downgrade to the Novice or Beginner category. Reasons
WVMBA will consider for downgrade: unsafe riding and/or lack of ability to compete in the current category.
Racer category will be considered that to be the category in which the racer spent the majority of the previous
Downgraded racers must race Open in their new (downgraded) category, rather than age group.
Series Payout and Awards:
Series payouts and awards will be provided at the final series race of either series. If a racer is eligible for a
series payout and/or an award and cannot attend the final race of the series, the payout will be donated to a local
trail organization that you choose. Awards will not be mailed-out so the racer must make arrangements with WVMBA to
pick-up at a bike shop, at a following season race, or at an in-person WVMBA board meeting. Series payouts are cash
or check for Cat 1. Cat 2 awards will be chosen by the WVMBA board.
USA Cycling
By partnering with USA Cycling we are joining a larger point series along with gaining affordable focused
insurance for our promoters, land managers, and participants. Each WVMBA Sanctioned race is a qualifying
race for the National series. By being part of these available points we have a larger draw. Racers in other
states can participate in our race and get points through the USA Cycling body allowing them to move up the
ranks in the National Series.
USA Cycling Representative
Justin Evans - Event Services Regional Manager - East
USA Cycling
M: 719.229.4347 | E: jevans@usacycling.org
210 USA Cycling Point | Colorado Springs, CO 80919