West Virginia Mountain Bike Association Logo

WVMBA Supports Volunteer Trailwork!

The WVMBA trails committee believes:
  • -That everybody who mountain bikes should also contribute (at least a little!) volunteer trailwork.
  • -That the people who do that work should be recognized and celebrated.
  • -That work should be tracked, so that we can celebrate it, and show prospective funders/supporters that we're working.
In 2024 we gave away money: small awards ($500/$250/$125) to the trail orgs chosen by the volunteers who logged the three highest numbers of hours worked. In 2025, we'll do this again but with bigger dollar amounts (TBD). We're trying to increase the return on those volunteers' investments.
In short, we're trying to push volunteerism, and make sure volunteers have easy access to opportunities to learn & work more.
New in 2025 We're offering an online directory of contacts to trailwork opportunities, as an easy way for volunteers to find ways to contribute.
* If you want to be included in our directory of trailwork org's and contacts: great! Please email your info to juliabethkastner@gmail.com.
Heart of the Highlands
Canaan Valley / Tucker County
Lisa Sampson
(904) 466- 5145
Pocahontas Trails
Snowshoe Highlands (parts of Pocahontas, Randolph, Nicholas, and Webster counties)
Meeks Mountain Trail Alliance
Hurricane, WV
Brandon Doerner, Lead Fun Officer
Monongahela Outdoor Volunteers
Monongahela National Forest (trails covered include Kennison Mtn, Frosty Gap, Eagle Camp, South Fork, Cow Pasture, Blue Knob, Pocahontas, Fork Mtn, Big Run, North Bend)
Steve Jones
Kanawha Valley Trail Alliance
Kanawha State Forest, Forks of Coal, Coonskin, Cato Park, Little Creek, Ridenour Lake
River Valley Mountain Bike Association
Mountwood, North Bend SP, Marietta trails (OH)
Ryan Smith
Big Bear Lake Trail Center
Big Bear
Annie Simcoe
(304) 276-7253
Elkins Area Shared Trails
Elkins area
Jessica Sutton
Eleanor Park Trails
Eleanor, WV
Jeff Schott
Wetzel 4-H Trail
Wetzel County, WV
Lisa Sidenstricker
Morgantown Area Mountain Bike Association
Morgantown area
Cacapon Resort State Park Foundation
Cacapon State Park, Berkeley Springs
Mark Hoyle
City of Ravenswood Parks and Rec
Joe Marra
Wheeling area
Keith Fulton
Greenbrier Valley Off-Road Biking Association
Allegheny Trail Section 1 (in Cheat Canyon WMA)
Owen Mulkeen
If you're a WVMBA member doing volunteer trailwork: great! Please email your details to juliabethkastner@gmail.com.
Other ideas for how to get involved? Same answer, with our thanks.
-WVMBA Trails Committee
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©2025 West Virginia Mountain Bike Association